Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 7 - Community or No Community

From readings and the video, I see that creating community is important for the teacher and the students to feel connected and have the proper resources to navigate through the content with no problems. I look forward to seeing your ideas and concepts as well as receiving feedback from my colleagues on this topic that interest me below.

I do want to take the time to discuss the research and study I am doing for another class. I mentioned earlier in my blog that I would like to create a class on the examining and analyzing data as well as trends regarding the direction of funding and finances for higher education institutions. I would like to recap the history and look the designed formulas that set the budget for colleges and universities. Then take it a step further to look at percent change for the state flagship schools versus the regional colleges. 

I want to look at the trends to see if state governments are taking the right steps and measures by maintaining higher education. Look at allocation of funds and examine to see if that amount is sufficient or are schools forced to moved into a privatization model. 


  1. Hi Eric, Whose responsibility do you think it is to create the community? Do the instructors do it? If it's required, is it real? Do the students share/own the responsibility?

  2. I think creating community takes a collaborative effort and both parties need to be equally invested. I would give the nod to the instructor to break the ice. Requiring something like this to participate in is minimal and I like it is another outlet to have disscussion and create a sense of communitiy

  3. Community has given people who belong to it a identity and responsibility, I think they are two biggest attributes people are involving one or more community to represent who they are, and what they do...
